

What is IPL treatment?

IPL (intense pulsed light) technology is used to treat dry eye associated with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and/or lacrimal gland dysfunction and/or inflammatory lesions (rosacea and blepharitis).


Intense pulsed light (IPL) system has been designed to offer a safe, painless, effective and long-lasting solution for the majority of skin types.

The treatment involves applying a series of light pulses to the cheek, which:

  • Stimulates the parasympathetic nerve that controls the glands and reactivates their metabolism
  • Reduces skin inflammation (rosacea), as IPL light induces coagulation of the small blood vessels. The reduction in rosacea indirectly improves eyelid inflammation (blepharitis)
traitement IPL CSTIM

What happens during IPL treatment?

IPL treatment takes place as follows:

  • Three sessions spaced out by 7 to 15 days
  • A fourth session may be recommended
  • One follow-up session after several months may be recommended
  • Sessions are short (less than 10 minutes), painless and do not require anaesthetic
Nettoyez votre peau
Avant votre rendez-vous, nettoyez votre peau (sans crème ni maquillage, peau rasée pour les hommes)
Application du gel
Une fine couche de gel transparent est appliquée sur la zone de traitement
Protection oculaire
Equipez-vous des coques de protection fournies par votre médecin
4 tirs
4 tirs sur la joue sont réalisés. Vous pouvez ressentir une légère chaleur et quelques picotements
Nettoyage et hydratation
Retirez les coques de protection. Votre peau sera nettoyée et une crème hydratante pourra être appliquée
etape 1
Clean your skin

Before your appointment, make sure your skin is clean (no creams or make-up, shaved skin for men)

etape 2
Apply gel

A thin layer of transparent gel is applied to the treatment area

etape 3
Protect your eyes

Put on the protective goggles provided by your doctor

etape 4
Four shots

Four shots are made to the cheek.
You may feel slight warmth and a little tingling

etape 5
Clean and moisturise

Remove the protective goggles. Your skin will be cleaned and a moisturising cream may be applied

What results can I expect?

  • Improved tear quality
  • A reduction in symptoms
  • A reduction in inflammation of the face and eyelids, and fewer Demodex (eyelash parasites)
  • A lasting improvement (several months)

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Parasympathetic Innervation of the Meibomian Glands in Rats

Which patients are eligible for IPL treatment?

Talk to your ophthalmologist to find out whether you are eligible for treatment.

IPL treatment is suitable for patients who have:

disfonctionnement glandes meibomius

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and lacrimal gland dysfunction

probleme inflammatoire

Inflammatory lesions (rosacea and/or blepharitis)

difficultes observance traitement

Difficulty observing treatment

echec autres traitemens

Tried other treatments without success

What other treatments are there?

Since dry eye is caused by multiple factors, its treatment is complex and can include a combination of approaches:

  • Cleaning, heating and massaging the eyelids
  • Blinking exercises
  • Tear substitutes
  • Anti-inflammatory treatments
  • Punctal plugs
  • Scleral lenses
  • Occlusion of lacrimal points
  • Expression of Meibomius glands
  • And more
Blinking exercise

Repeat the sequence five times in a row, several times a day

A word from the specialists...

Nothing beats the view of a professional, so why not see what our ophthalmologists have to say?

What is dry eye and how is it diagnosed?

New imaging tests—all completely painless—are now available alongside a range of other diagnostic options for dry eye. But how much do you know about this disease?

* C.STIM® is not FDA approved. C.STIM® is a trademark of Quantel Medical and Lumibird Medical. All rights reserved.

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