

Standard tests

Dry eye is caused by multiple factors and its diagnosis can involve various different examinations, including the following standard tests:

New non-contact examinations

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Today, there are an increasing number of imaging devices available to help clinicians better diagnose dry eye and provide patients with more targeted treatments.

New non-contact examinations are now available to assess tear quality and quantity, along with meibomian gland imaging.

The OMNICAD® ocular surface analyser can conduct the following tests:

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Unsure? Take the test and get your results in a few clicks

Think you may have dry eye? Take two minutes to assess your symptoms using the DEQ-5 questionnaire (five questions) provided on our site.

secheresse oculaire medecin


Questions about EYE DISCOMFORT
During a typical day in the past month, how often did your eyes feel discomfort?(Required)
When your eyes felt discomfort, how intense was this feeling of discomfort at the end of the day, within two hours of going to bed?(Required)
0 Never have it -> 5 Very intense

A word from the specialists...

Nothing beats the view of a professional, so why not see what our ophthalmologists have to say?

What is dry eye and how is it treated?

New IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments—all completely painless—are now available alongside a range of other treatment options for dry eye. But how much do you know about this disease?




OMNICAD® is a trademark of Quantel Medical and Lumibird Medical. All rights reserved.

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